hard to believe that we will be entitled to these two games at home, including the Olympic Stadium (against Milan, of course). We had a great time at the Olympic Stadium and this will undoubtedly be a great pleasure to return, even if only to remember what is was produced in 2009 ...
For cons, the timing is fear worse. The match against Fiorentina will be held at Saputo Stadium on May 23 All observers have wondered how we would navigate through the month of May already overloaded and here we find a way to add a game May 23, three days before our last game against potentially importantissime Vancouver Championship .
I do not know what you think, but me, it makes me want to pat me the skull on the corner of the table, decisions like that. In sum, it is announced to everyone that totally does not care for our championship, since we do not seek to provide our players with the best provisions to perform field. The calendar is already crowded with overlapping D2 National Championships and left me puzzled, but when we see our leaders to agree to a friendly gala in the middle of it all, we must ask serious questions. The Impact is a club friendly matches? The Impact is only there to make money at the expense of results? We prefer to stage draw people who do not give a fuck club that deliver results for supporters? Let it not fuck kicked in the trash the dressing room if we get stuck in Miami royally as was the case last year ...
Moreover, at this time year, key players visiting clubs will be on holiday or in preparation for the World Cup ... so when we come we announce Inzaghi, Ronaldinho, Pato and company, is advancing on thin ice. Unless you have had guarantees ... But if we have received assurances to that level, perhaps the evidence sought to make money, not win the Champions League ...
Anyway, Impact-Fiorentina, May 23 at Saputo Stadium, and Impact-AC Milan, June 2 at the Olympic Stadium (natural grass, please). It'll be fun anyway ...
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