Hello everyone,
After a month of inactivity I was fortunate to have some nice thunderstorms last night. Initially, I wanted to get to my spot in the Holy Spirit to have a nice view, but a horrible headache kept me in my impulses. Fortunately, Advil have taken effect just in time to catch the first 2 cells that are abatues on Terrebonne or at 20:30 and 9:10 p.m..
This hunt was not very exaustive, but I can console myself by these pictures that I offer.
Note that in some photos the sky is blue (and some lightning), indicating the presence of hail in the cells observed.
Although I remain optimistic, I think it was my last chance this year to satisfy my wildest dreams in photography. Despite a rather ugly side of summer storms, I am satisfied with the results and I'm crossing my fingers that summer 2011 is still better than the ending.
you next year!
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