Monday, January 31, 2011

William And Kate Lingeri Model

Wear of Arab regimes.

I was reading to my students last semester a chapter of the book by Georges Corm, The Middle East erupted , entitled "The wear of the Arab regimes."

I do not want to present myself as more perceptive than I really am, but it seems to me that this reading was well chosen: Corm paints a devastating picture regarding the failure of established elites to respond to needs and aspirations of their own societies. It elaborates on key features of these schemes: the pervasiveness of authoritarianism and military; profits and annuities markets of states in favor of the politico-military elite, limited political openness combined with illiteracy and shouting at a virtual absence of wealth distribution. The Tunisian

will spark enough to engulf an entire region. We must now see to what the "revolutions" in walking lead, but so far all hope.


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