Alain Juppe was said yesterday came to the aid of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the crisis to have disproportionately supported dictatorships in the Maghreb and Mashreq. And that is Nicolas Sarkozy who should bear the blame for such a diplomatic defeat.
In fact, complacency and special relationship between France and these "republics" of the authoritarian Arab world did not begin yesterday. But Sarko is still the first French president to break with the Gaullist in international relations, and that it must be emphasized.

Charles de Gaulle International has developed a consistent and responsible policy that was essentially followed by successive governments of France, left and right, until the arrival in power of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007.
De Gaulle withdrew from NATO's military in 1964, making France a power Nuclear. This gave him the means of its ambitions, ie to decide for itself its objectives and deploy its force if necessary, no longer under the protection of the "nuclear umbrella" U.S.. Nicolas Sarkozy is to return to NATO, with all that that implies as advantages and disadvantages for France since the principle of mutual interest and support of the Treaty.
De Gaulle has developed a foreign policy that he called "third way" between the U.S. and the USSR, while remaining a faithful ally of the West and USA in particular. This principle was illustrated among other during the Six Day War between Israel and its neighbors in 1967. De Gaulle then condemns the war launched by Israel according to him, but without preventing arms shipments to the Jewish state. He then seems to send a mixed message. But we can analyze this policy as follows: de Gaulle considered the right of existence of Israel as non-negotiable , but the territorial gains of 1967 were the dominant country of Israel, he said, breaking the balance necessary for peace in the region. De Gaulle said at the outbreak of hostilities in 1967: Israel is our friend, but more our ally ...
This strategic positioning has made France a must for regional stability. Mitterrand had "saved" the PLO and Lebanon from the Israeli firepower in 1982. France is the main responsible of the UN mission in southern Lebanon and probably the only power capable of serving as credible peacekeeping force between Israel and Lebanon. This is a Gaullist legacy, maintained by all his successors, up to Sarkozy ...
Indeed, he orchestrated a shift more pronounced pro-Israel, in addition to enabling the development and strengthening relations with the French Arab dictatorships. Sarkozy, with its Mediterranean Union, Hosni Mubarak has made a central figure of his project ... And his ambassadors not maintaining virtually no connection with the democratic opposition movements ... And his ministers who Copin-copinent with the ruling clique in all these plans ...
Decidedly, Nicolas Sarkozy is a man who transformed the French foreign policy in defiance of a Gaullist tradition smart and helpful to the maintenance of "a certain idea of France," as de Gaulle ...
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