Former Foreign Minister Michelle Alliot-Marie is responsible for the diplomatic crisis with his shocking statements ... In the context of democratic demands in Tunisia, she offered that " the French expertise is recognized around the world, our security forces, lead to the resolution of security situations " ... She even suggested " allow through our cooperation to act as the right to demonstrate can be done simultaneously with the assurance of safety .
To get out of this blunder, she chose the omissions and lies before being dislocated this week and replaced by Alain Juppe! Juppe is a highly controversial (sentenced to a history of ghost workers, he "served his sentence "in Quebec teaching at ENAP few years ago), but it has the merit of the experience and nuance ... In addition to being a figure somewhat critical of Sarkozy for 2 years with the right ... He was among others one of 1st to rebel against the revaluation by Sarkozy (under pressure from Paul Desmarais ...) policy of the NI-NI: non-interference and non-indifference to the project of sovereignty Quebec. Juppe is a friend of Quebec as it promotes the policy of support, whatever the constitutional option favored by Quebecers. While Sarkozy pleaded for national unity, describing even the sovereignty option of sectarian (!)
So the main cause of this failure of French diplomacy is President Sarkozy. Remains to be seen whether Alain Juppe can put the credibility lost in this diplomatic power has already been France ...
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