Le Foyer de Charité "Villa Chateauneuf, founded in 1971 by Father Jean Girouard, OMI, is connected to the Foyer de Charité de Châteauneuf de Galaure in France, the center of Homes, which is the inspiration Marthe Robin and Father Georges Finet, the founder. This gave us a definition of Fireplaces:
"The Homes of Charity are communities of baptized men and women who, like the early Christians pooled their assets: physical, intellectual and spiritual living one mind their commitment to achieve, with Mary as Mother, the family of God on earth - under the guidance of a priest, Father in an incessant effort of charity between them, and carry through their life of prayer and work in the world, a testament to light, charity and love, as the great message of Christ: King, Prophet and Priest. "
I take this opportunity to tell the story of Marthe Robin.
The person most extraordinary of the twentieth century.
Life of Martha Robin, died February 6, 1981, beyond anything you can imagine as by many phenomena surprising that by the splendor of its influence and especially his inner life. But this little woman seemed devoid of all, a very ordinary woman, very simple, a peasant. Her voice was very tiny. His view virtually nil. Crippled, hunched, confined to her bed, she remained well for most of his life unable to do anything. And incredibly, we are assured that she never slept, that for 50 years. Moreover, and this was demonstrated by competent people, Marthe Robin did not absorb any food, except of course the Eucharist. And more, she never drank anything, not even coffee yet, young woman she appreciated very much. We say that's impossible. I absolutely agree. At first I did not think so. I had my doubts. And yet it seems true, believe me. Anyway, God is present and it works. He sometimes acts in a way so special that we could then say that He is everything for us and awaken us out of our spiritual slumber. We should also mention that Marthe Robin was stigmatized.
Marthe Robin was almost 80 years when she died in southern France, Chateauneuf-de-Gallaure, after having been directed and advised by a priest, Father Finet. Known many countries to be the cause of the Foyers of Charity, her work was very popular in Quebec, Eastern Townships Sutton, Isle d'Orleans near Quebec, and in the Chicoutimi region. They are centers of prayer and intense spiritual retreat. This international work is born of his intimate union with Christ, like what a Christian paralyzed and may well evangelize without huge crowds by surrender to the Love of Christ by storm. Love is fire. It spreads quickly. "I came to bring fire on earth and how I wish it were already kindled! "(Luke, 12, 49).
Like the saints, the life of Marthe Robin was a life of loving union with Christ. She lived in effect in the intimacy that God raises the soul and that is the essence of the mystical life. The mystical life? We're all used to varying degrees. No need to fear. This is the secret of happiness. That's life made real. That's life of the soul ablaze with love for Love, which is gripped by God who is Love. Let us always remember that St. John puts it: "God is Love." Is that clear enough for us all? Jesus has moreover perfectly As demonstrated by his preaching unique in the history of mankind by his admirable life that rallies even unbelievers. God who is love fruitful has ever hosted Marthe Robin, who nevertheless spent most of his life bedridden in a dark room, his eyes can not tolerate light. Light is another who lived and dazzled his soul
Marthe Robin was born in Châteauneuf-de-Galaure (Drôme), March 13, 1902, sixth and last child of peasants or poor or rich, Christian or more less religious. She grew up normally: primary education, work on the family farm, catechism in parishes. Unexceptional. But it is voluntary and dynamic. She is whole and not content with half measures. In l912, his first communion he leaves fond memories: "I think my communion was taking possession of our Lord. I think he grabbed me at that time. . This reaction is quite normal in many children pious. However, what is special about her is that it opens fully in the presence of God in his soul. This "possession" by gently Martha makes God more and more pious.
"I prayed all the time. I spoke especially. I said the prayers found in a large missal. "
"I prayed all the time. I spoke especially. I said the prayers found in a large missal. "

They say 100,000 visitors from all parts of the world until his death on the night of 5 to 6 February 1981. Marthe Robin was completely abandoned to God's love around 1940. She started at age 28 in 1930 to test the first graces of union with God, the grace "that meet its thirst to be loved, but first it was left to herself, and her life n has been in isolation and silence, punctuated with too few hits. She discovered in the offering of its evils to a preferred mode of union with God. This did not without anguish, without a radical renunciation of his ego. She does not suffering because God would appreciate no, she offers because they are filled with abandonment and love. For it is love that turns everything into it. It is indeed only the love that saves the world from the madness of emptiness and hatred. Marthe is thus reduced to live in total dependence. She really knows what the absolute smallness. Heavily influenced by St. Therese of the Child Jesus, she received the words of Jesus himself: "Yes, my beloved, I have chosen you among all because you have the smallness and simplicity that delights my heart. It is the smallest core, less visible, that which the most ignorant, that I want for my larger designs. The profusion of Divine Love and the flooding is in the Eucharist, his only food that meets Marthe fullness that love: "I could never express what a soul captured in the lovely hugs divinity. "
The Eucharist is the summit of his inner life "because it introduces the soul into transforming union." "The union is so full I'm like any liquefied in Jesus, not being one with Him in love and contemplation. " (See "15 days of prayer with Dr. Robin," New City.) Marthe Robin has received many renowned theologians: R Garrigou-Lagrange, OP, sent by Pope Pius XII, Auguste Valensin and Cardinal Jean Danielou, Jesuits. At the request of Rome, it is reviewed by professors of medicine at Lyon: Drs Dechaume, Ricard and Bansillon. Jean Guitton has also studied the case and published its findings (Portrait of Marthe Robin, paperback). Many books have been published about him (Raymond Peyret, Marcel Clement H.-M. Coat-Bonamy, etc..). Its influence has spread rapidly to the surface of the earth through the "Homes of Charity" which it highlights the importance of the priesthood and the Catholic mystic of community life in the Church. That of Sutton, Quebec, is renowned. The famous Beatitudes community, present in Quebec in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, owes much to Marthe Robin (See Ephraim, "Martha"). Some other communities, not to mention tens of thousands of Christians, owe their inspiration and also their spiritual commitment.
Thank you Lord for your Eucharist.
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