The Arab street continues to mobilize, particularly in Egypt, where, before the stubbornness of Hosni Mubarak, the people remained defiant and still claims his departure.
course he needs to go, not only because that his authority no longer exists, but also because his reaction to the recent crisis demonstrates all his irresponsibility and his pride, the man decided to pose as the "guardian of order and stability" by claiming that his early departure would lead to chaos! But one begins to understand that his strategy is rather to act as a firefighter arsonist: he launched his supporters against demonstrators and foreign journalists or he uses what he still controls his estate potential to undermine ... In short, he is trying every means to delay his departure. Is it to protect and transfer its assets? To strengthen its relationship force before leaving, to avoid lawsuits and evictions?
Certainly, strategy draws its inspiration from another plan that also, for the moment, managed to maintain: that of Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Algerian President. Both men now share the same method, that present themselves as a bulwark against Islamism (and to benefit from the support or the convenience of the West) while generating internal disorders, thus enabling accuse the Islamist and show the world that without them, chaos or radical triumph ... Several indications credible show that the Bouteflika regime committed a series of terrorist attacks against its own population in the 1990s and then accuse the Islamic Front of hello and its armed wings to be the perpetrators ... It seems that same day on suspicion about the Mubarak regime attacks against Coptic Christians in Alexandria on December 31 last!
These "fuckers disorders" must go: they no longer constitute an insurance policy against Islamic radicals (have they really been?), On the contrary, as their authoritarian and corrupt regimes reinforce the credibility of the Islamist challenge for a long time and are now the opposition groups organized the best ... In addition, as a victim's help. And finally, support from the West to Mubarak or to Bouteflika (and several others, the first head the ruling family of Saudi Arabia) discredits us in the eyes of the Arab street, which may compromise the chances of currents modernist and democratic to emerge in these countries since they will then be presented as puppets of the West ... It is therefore important that the U.S. stop their dithering and start to exert real pressure on these regimes to mediate a democratic transition concerted and serious, but immediate.
This is positive in all that we can observe is that despite the authoritarian Arab regimes, civil society - the "Arab street" - seems to really exist and does not seem to let go taken either ... The danger cons, would be to "customize" this outrageously crisis: the only departure from Mubarak will not, deep constitutional reforms are needed. And again, the U.S., which Egypt depends almost pathetic way, can play a positive role if they require more transparancy and results regarding the transition to democracy to perform ... Heavy
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