The Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal (MBAM) has acquired a painting by Joseph Orientalist painter Jean Benjamin-Constant . Orientalism is an important theme in the literature as the visual arts, particularly in the nineteenth century. Eugene Delacroix
embodies Orientalism in painting. Benjamin Constant (not the thinker, but the artist) is an admirer ... His travels to Morocco are painting him as some exotic oriental ... The European view is reflected in the Other general themes:

strong historical moments ( Mohamed II entering Constantinople - 1876, above-cons)
or mysteries of female sensuality (many paintings evoking harems, where women in the entourage of the Sultan are grouped), and Hamam, the "Turkish baths" for women ...
The Hamam and baths in Muslim countries are areas of extraordinary freedom for women. The mystery remains for humans regarding the real atmosphere of these places. The men's side, there is a mutual and a surprisingly close, that does not exist between men in the West ... Home, where homosexuality seems extricate great taboos, the proximity between men remains "suspicious", it does not appear to be a gay ... In Morocco, where homosexuality is still violated and perceived as a disease "morbid" (there was even told it did not exist "in Islam »...), men kissing in the street, walk in holding hands or wash each other and massage in the spa and hamams. We must go at least once in their life to Moulay Yacoub thermal baths or in a traditional hamam (and cheap!) Elsewhere to understand the gist of my argument. But the paradox I have mentioned about men are there on the side of women? These are more erased in the public sphere (up to cover themselves), they take their "revenge" in the areas of freedom are the spas and hamams ?
Anyway, the Orientalist painters went further reflection on the mystery of Muslim women. Mystery to this day persists.

JA Dominique Ingres - The Turkish bath - 1862.
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