Originally feast of the Church Catholic, the day of Saint Valentine was not associated with romantic love before the Middle Ages, but with physical love. The party is now more closely associated with the mutual exchange of "love letters" or comic valentines symbols such as a heart or a winged Cupid. At
sending tickets in the nineteenth century succeeded the exchange of greeting cards. An estimated one billion cards are sent each year to mark Valentine's Day. At least three different saints named Valentine are all three martyrs. Their feast day was set February 14 by decree of Pope Gelasius I, around 498. This is the date they are mentioned in the first martyrologies [4]:
Valentine of Rome, a priest who suffered martyrdom in Rome in the second half of the third century and was buried on Via Flaminia. But after lengthy hesitation, scholars have recognized a single historical figure and it is Valentine of Rome, who was a doctor who lived in the third century. Patron saint of engaged couples and beekeepers This Valentine is also invoked against the plague. In 268, Emperor Claudius II, who found that married men made poor soldiers because of their dependence on family, marriage was abolished. But young people continued to come and find boyfriends in secret Valentine to receive the blessing of marriage. The priest was then arrested and imprisoned. It was during his imprisonment that Valentin made the acquaintance of the daughter of his jailer, a blind girl who, they say, he gave back the view and sent a letter before being beheaded, signed "Your Valentine." Martyred, beheaded in Rome around 270, he was buried on the way Flaminia where he made a cult. Several centuries later, when the fallen Roman Empire, Valentine was canonized in honor of his sacrifice for love.
Valentine of Terni, a bishop of Interamma (the modern Terni), who also suffered martyrdom in the second half of the third century and was also buried on the Via Flaminia. There is another Valentine, bishop of Terni in Umbria, which is often confused with one that lived during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. It is generally regarded as the patron saint of lovers since her birthday is symbolically at the time begins mating birds. Tradition has it as a great miracle worker Valentin. A miracle became known as the Christian and the prefect of Rome put to death one who had put his priestly powers and talents in medicine in the service of Christians imprisoned for their faith.
It was mentioned that it is a confusion between the various legends of the Middle Ages that has become the patron saint of lovers.
Raetian As for Valentin, his legend even also results from contamination with homonyms, actual and fictional. In Germany, where they celebrate Valentine Raetian who lived in the fifth century, it is shown with an epileptic child lying at his feet. Indeed, this saint is invoked for the cure of epilepsy. According to some historians, at least seven Christian saints above named Valentin would celebrate February 14. But it remains difficult to know with certainty which can claim to be the patron saint.
The reconciliation between Valentine and courtly love is mentioned in any ancient history and is regarded by historians as a legend. There is a legend that the feast of St. Valentine
was created to counteract the practice of Lupercalia by young lovers who drew their names on a ballot box, but this practice is mentioned in any source written at the time.
was created to counteract the practice of Lupercalia by young lovers who drew their names on a ballot box, but this practice is mentioned in any source written at the time.
But do not forget that most Christian holidays have replaced holidays of pagan: yes but come to the Saints or Valentine? On the day of Valentine's Day has long been celebrated as the feast of singles, not pairs. The day of celebration, unmarried girls scattered around the village and hid until the boys are bachelors (definition of Lupercalia) [5]. At the end of this giant hide and seek, the couples were asked to marry within the year. This would expand the population and stimulate the expansion of villages.
This practice gave vent to a lot of cheating on the part of couples and informal men who targeted a young girl in particular and especially "the most beautiful village" highly coveted.
Today we give especially chocolate. Why? Some argue that this choice is not due to chance. Indeed, researchers have discovered that there is a hormone of sexual desire, phenylethylamine found in chocolate also.
In Roman mythology, Cupid is the god of love. It is personified by a scantily clad young child, with a bow and arrow. It is believed that when one of her arrows touches you, you fall madly in love with the first person you meet.
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