The pigeon has been domesticated since prehistoric times. The lofts of the Roman period, mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History have largely disappeared, but the European lofts built in the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century are still in their own architectural heritage, a variety of forms and decorations that have no equivalent for the backyard or other farm buildings, except the stables.
The pigeon has suffered significant military and commercial functions, playing an important role until 1918, even essential for the transmission of policy messages. It seems that Chinese, Egyptians, Persians, and Greeks early learned to enjoy the remarkable instinct that goes back to the pigeon loft domesticated. The pigeons have become carriers and vectors of important messages that have changed the course of military campaigns, stories of love or of power and conspiracy. They were also used for trade and financial speculation. They feed primarily on seeds, fruit and occasionally a few insects.
slaves or servants, and soldiers were assigned specialized animal husbandry, care and transport of messenger pigeons. To house and raise pigeons, the Roman empire and built many huge loft that can accommodate 4 000 to 5 000 pigeons each. The messages could be encoded, or is it simply that the pigeon was carrying an object (colored ribbon) or be itself a new foundation for advertising.
The Crusaders have traveled with a real fast, before the hour airmail, insured by pigeons. Pirates and privateers would have used.
One difficulty is that the system must possess high pigeons in the loft of the recipient. It is also possible that the pigeon died en route, possibly in the greenhouses of the trained falcon hunting, so important messages were sent in multiple copies by different pigeons.
pigeons After the War of 1870, the pigeon of 1914-1918 has still played an important role, but that was nearly extinct with the development of transmission by electric current (telegraph, telephone ) and wireless or mixed network related Internet or mobile phone. Nevertheless include "Project Pigeon" (Project Pigeon) who during the Second World War, was intended to use trained pigeons to guide a missile. Many armies still maintain a small number of pigeons, which are also sometimes rescue (at sea for example).
The pigeons nest in cavities of buildings. Their populations are primarily if not exclusively from livestock that escaped the control of man (the phenomenon of runaways). This is highlighted in phenotypes that reflect varied frequently selected characters in some domestic races (white, red, pigeon necktie ...). Some subjects, however, show a phenotype quite wild.
Other species come from wild populations that have colonized urban environment.
The wood pigeon is larger and nests in trees in parks and gardens.
The Rock Pigeon was introduced into North America in the early 17th century as a domestic species. since the species became wild and spread to southern Canada and throughout the United States . It is a gregarious bird and upland nesting in Quebec. It builds its nest on structures such as buildings, bridges and overpasses. It feeds its young with "pigeon milk" and can reproduce year round (benzine, 2000). It feeds mainly on seeds but not above the bread, popcorn and fried in urban areas.
The Rock Dove lives in large cities and suburbs, and attended the nearby buildings farm like barns and grain silos. He likes open areas to feed. It may well also build its nest in crevices, platforms and cavities of rocks or other structures . It nests occasionally in tree cavities. It seems that a horizontal surface and is protected the only condition for enabling the location of the nest (Johnston, 1992). The nest can be located the floor to a height of over 30 m.
The Rock Pigeon is monogamous and mate for vie.La female usually lays two eggs, incubated it for an average of 18.5 days. Both parents share incubation, the male left the nest from mid morning until late the afternoon and the female of the late afternoon until morning.
LesPpigeons biset can be useful if not essential, to estimate the ecotoxicological risk associated with their presence in a contaminated site or near such a place.
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