Bilingualism "canadian".
Yves Boisvert reports this morning in La Presse a survey on bilingualism in Canada. Several paradoxes emerge from this:
- First, the Quebecois - the most bilingual of all the country - feel that French is threatened in Quebec and bilingualism Canada is doing rather poorly, but they recognize that it is very important to control the other official language.
- Meanwhile, English Canadians perceive their country as truly bilingual, but do not consider it important to master the French ...
It seems that the "two solitudes" persist in our minds. The article by Yves Boisvert adds that Quebecers now believe that it is no longer "the English" but multiculturalism that threatens the French fact in Quebec. Boisvert and concluded that this fear of multiculturalism is linked to the religious claims of newcomers "The identity Quebec French-Canadian was built around the language and the Catholic religion. See other religions assert with equal fervor, that question of identity. So threatening language ... "I would add
there something deeper that lies behind this concern raised by the Canadian policy of multiculturalism adopted it in 1971 and the constitutionalization 1982, Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the Quebec cultural community among others in the country ... He broke the modern Quebec project (that of Andre Laurendeau, Rene Levesque, Robert Bourassa, etc.). To make Quebec a host society capable of integrating its immigrants into French!
With multiculturalism, immigrants arriving in Quebec actually happens in a bilingual and multicultural. It is the ambition of Bill 101, which is weakened by this policy hypocritical and mean ...
But the fault is not that the federal government. The various governments of Quebec have ended up adopting the posture of bilingual, multicultural Canada in Quebec by communicating in English with newcomers and conforming to the relativism of multiculturalism value inherit in its education programs and ways come into contact with immigrants ...
We will come back, because the policy of multiculturalism is increasingly discredited - we just declare its failure in Europe!
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