The Little Stint (Calidris minuta) is a small species belonging to the shorebird family Scolopacidae and subfamily Calidridinae. Its name refers to its small size.
This sandpiper is 12 to 14 cm. Its legs are black and show no webbing. The projection of the primaries is short to medium. Plumage Courtship is very bright because of the warm colors of the upper parts of his face and buff with contrasting orange throat and all the underparts pure white. The Stint nests on dry soils near wetlands and coastal lagoons in habitats where the dwarf willow is often present.
In migration, they frequent the mudflats and coastal lagoons, but also the inland lakes. The Stint nests on dry soils near wetlands and coastal lagoons in habitats where the dwarf willow is often present.
In migration, he frequents mudflats and coastal lagoons, but also inland water bodies.
Source: C3% A9casseau_minute
The Sandpiper minute russet plumage in summer, with the following clearer. In winter, the back is gray and scaly chest clear. He carries on his back a drawing of two white stripes, V-shaped The beak is thin, straight and shorter than the head. The neck is thin and long. The legs are rather clear. Both sexes are similar, the female is only slightly larger than the male.
Spawning takes place in June / July. The nest is a small shallow bowl, garnished with sprigs of grass or moss on the floor. The female lays four eggs of a pale green-buff, spotted with dark brown roux. The incubation period is 20-21 days, by both parents. In contrast, the male takes care of only the education of youth.
During migration, it also eats small mollusks and crustaceans.
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